Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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142 lines
* *
* Startup example for "Startup.asm" version 3.6 *
* *
* © 1995,1996 Kenneth C. Nilsen *
* *
* See bottom line! *
* *
StartSkip = 0 ;0=WB/CLI, 1=CLI only (eg. from AsmOne)
Processor = 68000 ;0/680x0 (= 0 is faster than 68000)
MathProc = 0 ;FPU: 0(none)/68881/68882/68040
incdir inc: ;your include dir
include Startup.asm ;our file
*## here is our init section (Init: label and DefLib macro are required)
dc.b "$VER: Example 3.6 (06.06.96)",0
AsmOne: TaskName "Startup test 1.0" ;set our task name
;Barfly: TaskName "<Startup test 1.0>"
TaskPri 1 ;set task pri
DefLib intuition,0 ;open intuition.library ver. 0
DefLib dos,37 ;open dos.library ver. 37
;## our main example code comes from here (Start: label is required!)
Start: LibBase dos ;use dos.library base
jsr -60(a6) ;Output()
move.l d0,d1 ;copy handler
beq.b .noOut ;null? then skip
move.l #Text,d2 ;pointer to our text
move.l #TextL,d3 ;length of text
jsr -48(a6) ;Write() (to handler)
;## if we started from Wb then blink (just to differ a little)
.noOut StartFrom ;a macro which tells you where the prg.
beq.b .cli ;started from. (=0 cli / <>0 wb)
.wb LibBase intuition ;use "LibBase" to get library bases
;## now intuition.library base is put into A6 and we can start using it:
move.l 60(a6),a0 ;frontmost screen (hehe, wonder how?)
jsr -96(a6) ;DisplayBeep(), blink the screen
TaskPointer ;get pointer to this task in d0.
;use it what you want :)
;here we demostrade the argument parsing. You get one seperate argument by
;each time you use the "NextArg" macro. Pointer to argument [0] in d0 or NULL:
.cli NextArg ;macro which gives us the pointer to
beq.b .exit ;our arg. in D0 (or NULL in D0)
;Branch EQual if end of args.
move.l d0,d2 ;we store pointer to buffer in D2
;## print arguments to default output (in cli) to see some actions:
LibBase dos ;internal macro (dosbase in a6)
jsr -60(a6) ;Output()
move.l d0,d1 ;handler
beq.b .exit ;no handler? then exit printing
moveq #0,d3 ;length
move.l d2,a0 ;copy buffer address to a0
.count move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get one byte from buffer
beq.b .gotLen ;found null, exit loop
addq #1,d3 ;add one to length in D3
bra.b .count ;count some more...
.gotLen jsr -48(a6) ;Write(), print argument in cli
jsr -60(a6) ;Output()
move.l d0,d1 ;output handler in D1
move.l #Text,d2 ;pointer to text/linefeed
moveq #1,d3 ;length
jsr -48(a6) ;Write(), print linefeed in cli
bra.b .cli ;repeat until no args are left
.exit Return 0 ;return code and bye bye!
;## Our data section for this example source:
Text dc.b 10,'Startup.asm example 3.5',10
dc.b 'Give some arguments to test the NextArg macro:',10,10
TextL =*-Text
; Remember that supporting Workbench startup will make more people happy!
; :) (like that guy) and by using this startup code you have easy support
; for that AND extra features like reading arguments without having to
; parse the line, use ReadArgs(), or remove spaces and quotes yourself.
; You can also easily make a version string into your binary programs and
; set your own task name. You have even control on where your program
; where started from. You can also prevent your program to crash on a
; machine with a lower processor than you require. The same thing about
; the FPU.
; The assembled startup code is in itself only about 1Kb! and that's
; worth making your program safe!
; Feel free to contact me if any problems occure or if you want features
; included. If you change the Startup.asm source it would be nice to see
; what you have done :)
; Add: kenneth@norconnect.no
; InterMedia consulting
; Attn: Kenneth Nilsen
; Kvernhusrenen 31
; N-5227 S-Neset
; Norway